Are You Relatable?
As you know social media is inundated with so much information today. Some of it is great and some of it is not so great! For most of us that are running small businesses or that are in the coaching world, the challenge and the question is "How do we get seen and stand out with our message?" It's an obstacle that we struggle with every day as we try to build our audience, make an impact, and of course, optimize social media to leverage the business. Many of us know the answers but hesitate to actually implement the tips and strategies that work for so many. So I decided to test one of the main ideas that I often hear from so many social media giants, "Be personable!" This past week I ran a 5 Day Summer Confidence Challenge to help women boost their confidence and overcome any self-doubt as we head into the summer (some of you may know that aside from Rise Up For You, I am a confidence coach for women). At the beginning of the social media push I was getting opt-ins here and there and slowly seeing women sign-up. I was using a very subtle approach by posting a quote of inspiration and then encouraging the women to sign-up for the challenge. It looked something like this: On the last and final day of the media push before the challenge started, I decided to test the "Be Personable" strategy and see if it would make a difference in clicks and opt-ins. I decided after a few years to finally share my story as to how I ended up where I am today with Rise Up For You and coaching. It was scary and definitely vulnerable, but it worked! Within a few hours not only was my post superseding all other post with likes and engagements but my opt-ins for the challenge quadrupled in less than a few hours. In only three hours forty additional people joined the challenge and that was only in a short span of time. I wanted to share this experience with you because many of you, like myself, may be preventing yourself and your company from using it's true potential with your audience on social media because of fear or vulnerability. After seeing the results and most importantly the impact the post made on so many people (private messages of gratitude and emotions flooded in), I encourage you to go for it! Be more personable and allow others to relate to you and the great work you are doing! It is scary, but overcoming and pushing through your fears is one of the key steps to growing your confidence. Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but service to community. Simon Mainwaring