How Can I Help You?
This summer is a summer of self-development and change for me. I decided to take a leap and try new things and really break barriers in...

How Strong is Your Purpose?
Happy Work It Wednesday! It's June, can you believe it? A few days ago I went to a networking gathering in Costa Mesa. It was one of...

The Golden Rule to Networking!
How's your week going so far? Have you had the chance to get out there and meet some new faces and build new connections this week? ...

You Think You Can or You Know You Can?
For many years women have kept their head down and followed in line, rarely stepping outside of the box. Until recently many women have...

We Are Back in Action and Ready to Love!
One thing I do every morning is make time to meditate and read. These two practices stimulate my mind and help ideas and creativity come...

The Perfect Morning Routine
This summer flew by and now we are on our way to Fall. Before we know it, it’s going to be Christmas!!! With the days moving fast...

Ditch That Chip!
Put yourself in Check- It’s Time to Ditch That Chip on Your Shoulder! Excuse me for a quick minute, but I have to get this off of my...

Happy You Time Part 2
Often times we convince ourselves that self love is selfish and something that should be put last or on the back burner! We all do it...

Dear Me, I Love You
There’s so much heartbreak happening in the world right now as I’m sure you have seen on social and main stream media. It makes one...